A Liebster Award is given by bloggers to bloggers they follow, admire or enjoy the posts of. This award shows one blogger how much you enjoy/appreciate their blog and posts, as well as the bloggers hard work. I was nominated by the lovely Heather Waugh aka. Everyday Social Media Marketing. If you don’t already, please go check out her blog and hit follow; she has brilliant content!!



  1. You must link back to the person(s) who nominated you
  2. You must answer the questions given to you
  3. You must pick other bloggers to be nominated for the award
  4. You must create 10 questions for your nominees
  5. You must notify the nominees
  6. You must provide 11 random facts about yourself

My Answers

  1. How did you get into your current occupation? Currently, I am a student studying a Media degree. I have had part-time jobs, however not an ‘occupation’ as such. I got into my university, the way everybody else does, by applying and getting the required amount of points from A Levels.
  2. What do you love most about your job? I’m going to take “job” as university and say that I love EVERYTHING about my university and university life. I love my course, my friends and the place I’m studying is (to me) beautiful.
  3. What do you hate most about your job? I wouldn’t, HONESTLY, say I hate anything about university. There’s always going to be situations in life that you don’t like, or situations which you dislike more than other situations, but things happen and I’ve learnt to enjoy life, what I’m doing and power through!
  4. If there was one thing you could change about your life, what would it be and why? This is a tough question because I think if there’s something you’d like to change then why not go out and get/change it? But the one thing I’d change would be to have my dog (cocker spaniel) with me at university.
  5. What is your favorite smell in the world? I love the smell of fresh cut grass!!!!
  6. Where is your favorite place you traveled to? I went to Disneyland in Orlando, Florida when I was 9/10 years old and I really wish I could go back, so I’m going to say America/Disney is my favourite place I’ve travelled to.
  7. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? Going to university, as it was something that was completely new to me.
  8. What is your favorite all-time movie? This is a tough one, I have a few favourites including; the Back to the Future Trilogy, Runaway Bride and The Bodyguard.
  9. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? Pasta, I could eat it forever. I love it.
  10. The old fashioned desert island question – what are the three items you would take with you and why? 1) my twin so I don’t get lonely, 2) makeup, because I’m literally obsessed and 3) endless supply of toiletries, i.e toothpaste because I hate not cleaning my teeth and love to be clean and smelling lovely.

My Questions

  1. Why did you decide to start blogging?
  2. How long have you been blogging for?
  3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  4. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?
  5. If you found a wallet with money in would you hand it into the police or spend it?
  6. If you could only eat one meal what would it be, and why?
  7. What’s your favourite TV show?
  8. Who is your favourite F.R.I.E.N.D.S character and why?
  9. What is your favourite dessert?
  10. Do you have a pet? If yes, what pets do you have?


Steven Davis

Get Back On aka Jacob Karasch

Zany Zach Reviews

Jessica Wooldridge

Natasha Leeman


I almost forget the last step, but here it is and don’t forget to tweet me @JessLeeman_



  1. I have a twin sister.
  2. I’m 19 years old.
  3. I study a media degree.
  4. I have a major crush on Johnny Depp.
  5. I could drink tea, in particular Yorkshire Tea, all day EVERY DAY!
  6. I have two dogs.
  7. My dogs are called Penny and Lilly. Penny is a Pekingese and Lilly is a Cocker Spaniel.
  8. I love makeup and have a beauty blog.
  9. My favourite artist/idol is Matt Cardle.
  10. My favourite colour is Purple.
  11. I wish I were a Disney Princess.

Twitter’s NEW Layout

Don’t be too shocked, YES! I am back and blogging again…

I just want to use this post as a quick ‘hello I’m back post’ and quick explanation of my absence , also to also raise a social media point (which is what this blog is all about!!)

I had been busy with my university course, working to deadlines, sorting out my placement for next month and looking/applying for jobs. It was nice to have a little break, but I’m glad to be back and blogging about SM and chatting to all of you again. I would also like to thank you all for still reading my blog and thank you for taking an interest in the posts I write. Also, welcome to my new followers and THANK YOU!


Right, back to the social media…

So, Twitter have rolled out a new layout. I think they’re only rolling it out slowly? or to a few people to begin with? (I could be wrong). Because my Twitter account has not yet been updated to the new layout.

I had read earlier in the year about Twitter possibly rolling out a ‘Facebook’ type layout, but until now, because I’ve actually seen the layout first hand, I didn’t realise how Facebook like this layout would be. It’s too Facebook like, in my opinion. What are your thoughts?

As my profile hasn’t been updated to this layout I can’t really comment on the functionality, i.e. how easy it is to find buttons etc. However, I am hoping I don’t get this layout any time soon because I’m not keen on the appearance of it. What are your thoughts on the appearance? Is it easy to use (if you have this layout)? I’d love to know, maybe I’m just judging it’s appearance and it’s actually so much better to use!!

Twitter may be dramatically trying to change their layout so more users use the desktop version of Twitter again? Because I for one can tell you that 80% of the time I use the Twitter app on my HTC and know that there are a lot more mobile users of Twitter!!

Let me know your thoughts on the new Twitter layout

I’d also love to know if any of you use the desktop version more than the mobile version + reasons?





